Applying Water Resistant Reef Safe Sunscreen The Right Way
There exists a common misconception regarding the use of sunscreen during activities such as swimming, snorkeling, surfing or diving. That misconception is that you can apply sunscreen when-ever you want. Sadly this is not the case and if you don’t want your skin to burn or have the dreaded white cast (ghosting effect) that is synonymous with physical reef safe sunscreens, than you need to apply your cream to DRY skin!
To put things into perspective, water resistant sunscreens are made to repel water for a limited amount of time to help prevent sun burns. But that means if your skin is already wet, the sunscreen will skate over the water on your skin (i.e. be repelled by the water) and not apply effectively. This is why so many people when making the change from chemical to physical sunscreen suffer from excessive skin whitening!
Why Apply To Dry Skin?
To be fully protected in the sun when using reef safe & water resistant physical sunscreens like Reef Repair, you need to “Apply Dry, So You Don’t Fry”.
When You Apply To Wet Skin
All water resistant sunscreens must be applied to dry skin and not wet or sweaty skin, here is why.
Applying to dry skin is the best and most effective way to prevent whitening when using Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide based reef safe sunscreens!
Video Transcript
Did you know Reef Repair is a revolutionary non-whitening reef safe sunscreen?
Apply to dry skin for 100% even non whitening sun protection.
Reef Repair is also water resistant.
So good luck, applying it to already wet skin.
At Reef Repair we say.
Apply dry so you don’t fry.
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