Reef Repair Reef Safe Sunscreen is a natural, biodegradable, coral friendly, water-resistant SPF 50 Zinc Oxide sunblock designed to protect your skin & coral reefs!
Free Shipping for United States Customers
BY Reef Repair | March 29, 2021

Reef Repair Free Shipping

All currently available Reef Repair products on our website are now shipped for free in the United States. Previously you would only receive free shipping if you were shipping our products to Thailand.

Now, if you are lucky enough to be in the United States you can get our reef safe sunscreens and other products with absolutely no shipping charges added onto your order, no matter the size!

Why Did We Add Free Shipping For The USA?

Firstly we have always wanted to offer free shipping on all our products without increasing the price. Our goal is to get reef safe sunscreen into the hands of as many people as possible around the world, and free shipping is a great way to achieve this goal.

Secondly and rather sadly, Covid-19 has increased our international shipping costs by anywhere between 50% to 100%. In many cases it was costing more to ship a bottle than the price you were paying for it at checkout. For the time being we have removed international shipping options for everyone excluding Thailand and the United States.

Reef Repair Products Free Shipping United States USA
Reef Repair Products Free Shipping United States USA

In an effort to keep our United States customers happy and in response to removing international shipping options, we have made shipping for our USA customers completely free or charge.

Increased International Shipping Costs

Because of increased international shipping costs, Reef Repair can no longer feasibly continue shipping our products internationally. Reef Repair products at checkout are now limited to countries where we have either manufacturing facilities or distribution centers.

Effectively, this means Reef Repair products can only be shipped to the United States or Thailand. It is unlikely that international shipping costs will return to normal anytime soon and that effectively restricts us from shipping internationally for the time being.

We will be keeping a close eye on international shipping rates and hope to add them back soon.

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